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Earlier this week I was at a birthday party for a family friend and ended up having the most interesting conversation about geganism. You are most likely asking: what is geganism?

The most specific diet ever? Most probably. Though does it sound amazing? Yes.

I always wanted to be vegan, for those who don't know, I haven't eaten meat for nearly two years now- though I eat fish, is that cheating? Anyways. When I initially was completely inspired by the documentary 'Cowspiracy'- if you haven't watched it, WATCH IT- it made me want to go vegan.

I tried that for all of about two weeks and failed. It is just as hard as you think. Well it was at the time, I am not so sure about that now.
Even in my town centre alone there are five vegan restaurants at least that I can name and I have tried several of them. I have not struggled with finding veggie options with the abundance of products in the vegetarian aisle.
Believe it or not, veggie food is delicious- and I will argue against any other view.

Being vegan is far more common now and is becoming more and more appealing. For reasons being:
- The listed health benefits, which I for one can vouch more feeling so much more lively and better after I cut out meat.

-The issue of climate change and damage to the planet. I shouldn't even have to explain this one. Watch 'Our Planet' on Netflix, okay.

-More and more truths being exposed from the dairy industry and animal agriculture. For example how caged chickens are injected with hormones so that they grow and grow until they are bursting out of their tiny box cages. Or that mother cows are inseminated and then once their calf is delivered it is ripped away from them instantly resulting in them wailing for weeks and some have even died from their depression and heartbreak. It is all crazy.

Though I sound like the BIGGEST hypocrite to exist because I still eat dairy, eggs and fish.

I want to go vegan and I am trying to plan and manage it so that I can. Though the issue is that I would then have to be gegan- hence the extra planning needed.

How do you become the most awkward person to eat out with in 0.3 seconds? Become gegan I say.

Gluten free and vegan.

You may be laughing but I am genuinely considering it. Up until a few months ago I was enjoying the luxuries of pasta, cake, pastry... until, BAM. Bloat.
Suddenly I was bloating hugely, and I mean 7 month pregnant kind of huge, every time I ate bread or something with wheat in. It started to become so uncomfortable as I was suffering from really painful cramps and the bloating would last for days. It was a feeling of like being clogged up- if I can say that in the least grim way possible.
Luckily I was able to recognise the problem and as soon as I cut out food products with gluten and wheat in I felt revived. I felt the healthiest I had been in a while, I was finally then starting to see results from my exercise, which I previously had felt frustrated by because of the bloating.

So for the past few months I have been gluten free and no way in heck am I about to start eating it again. So that would require me to be cutting out gluten, meat, fish, eggs, dairy, honey, and any other animal products from my diet.

This may sound virtually impossible but I am determined to try it. When I met the lovely woman at the party I was able to really speak to her about snacks she makes, any advice and meal ideas. And good news, turns out I won't be living off of salads and seeds. Though it has become a running joke from my friends that I already live off seeds now anyway. Not a struggle for me then.

Jokes aside. I wanted to try to make one of her gegan snacks. So I attempted these energy balls made of dates, cocoa powder, maple syrup and cashew nuts. They seemed the simplest to make and I am not the most talented of cooks.
I thought trying to incorporate gegan foods when I can would be a good start so that I can gradually wean myself into the diet especially whilst I am still living at home with my parents

So, I thought to document my little making experience of these energy balls and shall share now.

Rambling over and look to my next post.


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