Hi. Well this feels strange to say the least. It’s been a while since I have just sat down and written. Been a bit busy, I mean A-levels and all.
I am sat cross legged on my bed with my morning- well nearly afternoon- fruit salad with absolutely no idea where to start. That’s a dig at us millennials in itself. How can I sit here so uninspired when there is so much to get fired up about? 17 going on 18 has to be one of the major years of our lives. We have so many decisions to be make which shape our future careers and lives, we have increased freedom and we seem to find zero to write about. We being me. So I realised that I better try.
I am sat here still on my bed, safe from the blustering wind of British summer, thinking what do I feel comfortable writing about? The questionable politics of our time? My views on issues? Music? Future career aspirations? That’s a start.
I’ve never been a fan of introductions. I find them possibly one of the most awkward things ever, so let’s keep this snappy. Okay I’ll just get started. Hi. Ahhhh.
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